5 research outputs found

    Fachinformation und EDV-Arbeitstechniken für Historiker: Einführung und Arbeitsbuch

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    'Der Sammelband versucht, die Erfahrungen einzufangen, die von den Herausgebern in den vergangenen Jahren an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in der studentischen EDV-Ausbildung und beim Aufbau vernetzter Informationsdienste für Historiker gemacht wurden. Es handelt sich weder um einen der üblichen Sammelbände noch um eine einfache Softwareeinführung, sondern um ein praktisches Arbeitsbuch für Studierende und Nachwuchswissenschaftler zu Fragen des EDV-Einsatzes in den Geschichtswissenschaften. Dabei stehen das 'Internet' bzw. der Einsatz der sogenannten 'Neuen Medien' im Mittelpunkt. Im ersten Kapitel wird zunächst das Verhältnis der EDV zu den Geisteswissenschaften geklärt. Dies schließt eine Einführung in die Geschichte der EDV und die Betrachtung der EDV-Einsatzfelder in den Geschichtswissenschaften zu den Themen Bibliotheken im Internet, Wissenschaftlicher Alltag und Lehre sowie spezielle historische Fachinformationsangebote ein. Im zweiten Kapitel wird näher auf die Grundlagen der Datenverarbeitung eingegangen. Dabei liegt neben dem PC- und Netzbasiswissen das Hauptaugenmerk auf dem Internet und seinen Diensten. Darauf aufbauend werden im dritten Kapitel ausgewählte Applikationen aus den Bereichen Textverarbeitung, Beschreibungs- und Skriptsprachen, Tabellenkalkulation, Datenanalyse & Datenbanksysteme sowie Grafik, Präsentation und Multimedia an historischen Beispielen in ihrem Funktionsumfang vorgestellt. Im abschließenden vierten Kapitel wird der EDV-Einsatz in den Geschichtswissenschaften an ausgewählten Projekten in Forschung und Lehre exemplarisch beschrieben.' (Autorenreferat

    „Ponowne odkrycie” stanowiska archeologicznego o znaczeniu europejskim i jego ocena pod względem turystycznym – fort Karola Wielkiego nad Łabą

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    The fortification Vietzer Schanze on top of the Höhbeck on the Elbe is one of the most important Carolingian archaeological monuments. The history of its exploration and social perception reflects the changes in the zeitgeist over the last 150 years. Today, the marketing of culture within the framework of cultural tourism plays a prominent role in the development of structurally weak rural regions. Using the Vietzer Schanze as an example, the implementation of a concept is presented that focuses on the sustainable valorisation of natural and cultural-historical values as well as sharing and protecting on an equal level.Fortyfikacja Vietzer Schanze na szczycie wzgórza Höhbeck nad Łabą jest jednym z najważniejszych stanowisk archeologicznych z okresu karolińskiego. Historia badań nad tym stanowiskiem oraz jego społeczny odbiór odzwierciedlają zmiany, jakie zaszły na przetrzeni ostatnich 150 lat. Dziś marketing kultury w ramach turystyki kulturowej odgrywa znaczącą rolę w rozwoju strukturalnie słabych regionów wiejskich. Na przykładzie Vietzer Schanze przedstawiono koncepcję oceny potencjału obszaru pod względem walorów naturalnych i historyczno-kulturowych oraz ich ochrony

    Insights into the late Holocene vegetation history of the East European forest-steppe: case study Sudzha (Kursk region, Russia)

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    Today, the East European forest-steppe is an agricultural landscape with very few remains of its former natural vegetation. The history of the transformation from natural vegetation to a human-made landscape in the area of Sudzha (Kursk region, Russia) is studied here. We compare the off-site pollen record Sudzha with three on-site pollen records obtained from the archaeological site Kurilovka-2. The sediment core Sudzha covering the last 2,500 years was taken from an oxbow lake in an area with archaeological sites of the early Slavonic period (3rd–8th centuries ce). The Sudzha pollen record indicates dominance of broadleaf forests and meadow steppes in the area from 2,500 to 200 cal year bp with two major settlement phases one between ~ 2,000 and 1,600 cal year bp (~ 50 bce to 350 ce) and the other between 1,100 and 600 cal year bp (850 and 1350 ce) followed by a total deforestation and transformation to an agricultural landscape over the last 200–300 years. Similar changes in the last 300–400 years are indicated by the three on-site pollen records. It is noteworthy, however, that the record Sudzha does not provide an intensive signal of human impact during the 5th–8th centuries ce. This points to a quite restricted spatial influence of the Early Slavonic settlements on the vegetation, leading to a relatively low contribution of palynological anthropogenic indicators to the regional pollen rain signal

    Interdisciplinary Hillfort Studies at the Daugava River: Merging and Decoding Archaeological, Environmental and Linguistic Data - BEETHOVEN CLASSIC 4, NR 2020/39/G/HS3/01542 (dataset)

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    The Daugava River is one of most important gateways from the Baltic Sea to the Trans Eastern Europe (e.g. Dnieper R.) waterways and backwards. This is the main reason for its high significance as central trade route. In the long-term perspective, there was being formed a settlement and hillfort system in the Daugava R. valley, that focuses on the use and maintenance of the waterway. The framework of this system is thought to be made up of fortified settlements and hithes, landing places for ships on naturally protected islands and promontories. Archaeological research has traditionally focused on the outstanding fortified sites themselves along the Daugava R. waterway. Other sites that are further away from these points have not been sufficiently investigated, the same is the case with the immediate vicinity of the hillforts. Combining toponymical and archaeological information in the study area is crucial for understanding the whole system of fortified and unfortified sites in the study area along the river valley. Since the archaeological classification and chronological correlation of all sites is fundamental to the project, small scale field archaeological investigations will be carried out if necessary. They involve a combination of archaeological surveying with geomorphological, geoarchaeological and paleoenvironmental studies. It is methodologically important to gain insights through systematic drillings, test pits and reliable dating based on large series of radiocarbon (and if possible dendrochronological) data. The result of the project will be the first systematic compilation of the archaeological sites at the Daugava River, including both known and new generated data in a condensed form. In addition to this, the project focuses on the topographic survey, mapping, and digital modelling of the Daugava waterway, related to its functioning in the Prehistory and early historical times. One outcome of the work will be an atlas, including standardized topographic maps of the archaeological monuments and their immediate surroundings with a special focus on their natural environment, mostly a relation to the river system. The maps will be made according to a consistent methodology, using modern technologies and data management systems, and will be supplemented by cartographic and visual materials of the 17th-20th centuries AD, and also by the results of palaeogeographical reconstructions. Furthermore, the inclusion of minimally invasive archaeological fieldwork and analysis of archive material allows to present settlement spatial analysis as part of the Atlas. They, in turn, will be the starting point for comparative studies in the wider Baltic Sea region. Therefore, the aim of the project is to create a consistent basis for further comprehensive studies as an example of best praxis in a broader, European context.National Science Center - BEETHOVEN CLASSIC 4 - announced on 2020-09-15, NR 2020/39/G/HS3/01542